Maintaining good gut health will allow you to keep your srotas clean and thus maintain healthy neurological health.
In Ayurveda, Srotas are the channels in our body through which biological material, nutrients, and waste products flow. These micro and macro channels act like a transportation system inside your body, bringing essential life-supporting nutrients to various organs, removing waste products, and directing them towards the alimentary tract.
The Brain Comprises Essential Fatty Acids
These fats (medha dathu) are derived from our foods (ahara rasa). But when we eat incompatible foods, it accumulates undigested metabolic waste, which leads to vitiation of the srotas (channels) and manifests as various neurodegenerative disorders. Most common neurological health issues, like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, begin during the Vata phase of life, which is after our forties. The accumulated metabolic waste in the channels begins to manifest as diseases.
Celebrity Ayurveda Coach Dr Dimple Jangda shares some combinations of foods we must pay attention to preserve our srotas’ health and, thus, our neurological health:
- Do not heat honey: Heated or pasteurized honey can block srotas, and it takes several years to remove the damage. When heated, honey also releases a chemical called HMF (Hydroxy methyl furfural), known to cause neurodegenerative disorders in rats.
- Don’t mix fruits with dairy:Fruits contain vitamin C, which causes milk protein to curdle inside our system, leading to metabolic waste. Separate your fruits from vegetables and grains, as it delays nutrient absorption and assimilation.
- Do not mix ghee and honey in equal quantities: Mixing ghee and honey releases a chemical called clostridium botulinum, which turns toxic inside the body
- Avoid eating raw salads and raw foods, as they are also home to parasites which can leak into the bloodstream, enter the brain and cause disorders like epilepsy, seizures, cysticercosis
- Ensure you chew your foods well and avoid eating foods late at night after sunset, as these foods remain undigested in the gut until the following day, thus triggering leaky gut syndrome, leaking into the bloodstream, putrefying, rotting and even releasing gases.
You must give your gut and digestive health a complete rest for at least 12 to 14 hours to prevent gut health issues. Your gut health directly impacts your mental and emotional health, and your neurological health also depends on your gut. The gut is called the second brain, and more neurons are lining the gut walls than in the brain. Your gut and GI tract are also sensitive to emotions. Maintaining good gut health will allow you to keep your srotas clean and thus maintain healthy neurological health.
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