The struggle to be heard: how CISOs can close the credibility gap with their boards

The struggle to be heard: how CISOs can close the credibility gap with their boards

These are tough times to be running a business. Relief at exiting the pandemic was short-lived, followed by rampant inflation, sky-high interest rates, business uncertainty and geopolitical volatility. Against this backdrop, the last thing an organization needs is to have critical data stolen and systems crippled by cyber-attack. Or for a key supplier to suffer the same. June’s ransomware attack on an NHS provider showed the catastrophic knock-on effect such a breach can have.

That’s why CISOs up and down the country are trying to build a case for improving cyber resilience. However, their job isn’t easy. First, they have to convince a skeptical – and sometimes downright hostile – board.

Bharat Mistry

Technical Director UK & Ireland at Trend Micro.

Why resilience matters


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